The leaves are changing colors, and the weather is getting cooler. One of the best things about this time of year is spending time by a cozy fire at home. But before starting a fire, there are a few things you need to do to get the fireplace ready for use. This article will outline the steps to prepare your fireplace for winter and provide safety tips to keep in mind when using the fireplace. So read on and prepare for a warm, safe season.

Have the Fireplace Professionally Serviced

One of the most important things you can do to prepare your fireplace is to hire a professional for an inspection and cleaning. This should be done at least once a year, but more often if you use your fireplace frequently. A professional will identify safety issues and ensure the fireplace is in good working condition. They will also clean the chimney, removing soot and flammable creosote build-up to help prevent chimney fires.

Purchase the Right Firewood

After you’ve had the fireplace inspected and cleaned, it’s time to stock up on seasoned hardwood to burn. Seasoned wood has been cut and allowed to dry for at least six months. This wood has a lower moisture content, so it burns hotter and more evenly, producing less smoke than unseasoned wood.

Safety Precautions to Prepare Your Fireplace

Once your wood and fireplace are ready to go, take steps to boost safety. Make sure the screen in front of the fireplace is functioning to prevent sparks from escaping. Second, never leave a fire unattended – it’s important to always have an adult present to an eye on it. Finally, be sure to install smoke and CO detectors in your home and test them regularly. It’s also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher on hand in case of an emergency.

Prepare a Gas Fireplace

A gas fireplace also needs preparation before turning it on for the first time in the fall. Make sure that the fireplace is clean and free of dust. Check the seals on the door and make sure they are tight. Finally, check the pilot light and ensure it is lit.

By following these tips, you’ll prepare your fireplace for use so you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of a fire in your home all winter. Stay safe, and enjoy the season.

Total Home Inspections offers inspections to homebuyers and sellers in the Oregon area, contact us to request our services.